Law for Business
There are various forms of business available: corporation, partnership and limited partnership. Each form of business certain advantages but also some disadvantages. We can help you choose the best form to conduct your business. Many businesses are formed as corporate entities. The corporate entity provides many advantages such as shareholders’ limited personal liability for corporate debts. There are, however, statutory requirements that must be observed by the board of directors and the managing director. Management may, therefore, need help in following the statutory requirements since failure to observe these requirements may expose management to personal liability for corporate debts. Shareholders, too, may need to consult lawyers familiar with corporate law in order to protect their interests, particularly minority shareholders. We have extensive experience in corporate law matters.

Conducting business as a corporate entity provides many advantages compared with other forms of business. Statutory requirements, however, are complex. We help corporate management and owners navigate the complicated legal landscape.

Building construction such as renovation and repair are often subject to many uncertain variables that can lead to delays or cost increases. Many projects end in disputes between the construction company and the customer. We have extensive experience assisting contstruction companies and customers with drafting clear and user-friendly contracts that minimize the risk for disputes as well as experience resolving disputes between contractors and customers.

An efficient sales network is often needed, particularly when customers are geographically spread out. There are, however, various alternatives available when structuring the sales network. Agents, distributors, franchise or subsidiary? We can help you make the right choice to maximize sales and minimize disputes.

Rental agreements are among the most significant agreements people sign. Whether your renting an apartment to dwell in or property for conducting business, it is vital for both the tenant and the landlord to regulate the relationship. The statutory provisions regulating the relationship are not, however, clear and easy to apply. Expertise is often needed to avoid or resolve disputes between the tenant and landlord.

Swedish employment law provides extensive job protection for employees. Employers may only terminate an employment if there are lawful grounds. Even when lawful grounds exist, the manner and timing of the termination are subject to detailed rules that must be observed by the employer. Failure to observe these rules can subject the employer to substantial claims for compensation.

Buying a house is often the biggest transaction of our lives. If the house proves to be in worse condition than expected, in other words there are hidden defects (referred to in Swedish as dolt fel) repair costs often are high. This can also happen when buying a condominium. Besides issues with the condition of the house, homeowners may need legal help with easements and other real estate law issues.

Buying a horse is a dream for many and something you put time, commitment and money into. If the horse turns out to be in worse shape than expected, it often leads to large and unexpected costs but also to an emotionally strained situation for both parties. In addition to help with dispute resolution, we help you with the preparation of contracts and other issues in horse law. With the help of a tailor-made contract, disputes can often be avoided.