Assistance applying for visas, residence permits, citizenship (Sweden and USA)
We live in a mobile society and many people either choose to or are forced to relocate to other countries. Sometimes for short periods of time, sometimes for indefinite periods. Sometimes to reunite with family members, sometimes for employment, sometimes to escape persecution. The laws and regulations governing migration are complex. Competent legal advice is often essential. Advokatbyrå Prima is certified by the Swedish Migration Agency which means that applications for work permits often are processed on an expedited basis.

Millions of people travel to the USA each year from every corner of the world. Many visitors are American citizens, or are part of the visa-waiver program, which means that they do not need a visa to enter the USA. Other visitors need a visa to enter the USA. Whether you intend to travel to the USA on business, for pleasure, for studies, or some other reason, we can assist you with your visa application.

A residence permit entitles the holder to stay in Sweden. There are various grounds for issuing residence permits and the permit can be for limited or unlimited periods of time. Pursuant to international and Swedish law, families have a right to live together, family reunification. Under Swedish law addresses family reunification and regulates how and when families can be reunited in Sweden and what family members are eligible for residenc permits.

Persons that are not citizens or residence permit holders of a country within the European Union must have a permit to work in Sweden. Person wishing to come to Sweden to work generally must apply for the work permit before entering Sweden. We are certified by the Swedish Migration Board, which expedites the application process.

Swedish citizenship establishes a relation between Sweden and the individual that conveys rights and responsibilities. Swedish citizenship can be acquired at birth, through adoption as well as by application or registration.