Law for Individuals
We go through many phases in life. Many of our most important decisions are regulated or at least effected by laws and regulations. It is important to receive timely and competent legal advice. This is true, for example, concerning financial aspects of a relationship with spouse or partner, buying a home, writing a will or hiring people to repair or renovate your residence. People sometimes need legal advice in situations that they have not planned for or expected such as governmental decisions to place children in foster care, or when persons are suspected of committing or are the victim of a crime. In some cases, you or your close relatives may be entitled to financial support to cope with disabilities. Our lawyers have extensive experience in the various legal issues that arise in these situations.

When a person dies, his or her assets and liabilities form an estate. A document setting forth the decedent’s assets and debts as well as identifying the decedent’s heirs is prepared and filed with the Swedish Tax Authority. The estate beneficiaries manage the estate and arrange for distribution. When the heirs disagree on estate matters, or are otherwise unable to manage the estate, the court will appoint an administrator.

Wills, prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, gifts and living wills are terms that many of us are aware of. Perhaps you are considering drafting such documents but are unsure how to go about it. We can help you draft these documents so that they carry out your wishes. We can also explain what can happen if a person does not prepare these documents.

Buying a house is often the biggest transaction of our lives. If the house proves to be in worse condition than expected, in other words there are hidden defects (referred to in Swedish as dolt fel) repair costs often are high. This can also happen when buying a condominium. Besides issues with the condition of the house, homeowners may need legal help with easements and other real estate law issues.

Whether you are the victim of a crime or you are suspected of committing a crime, you have a right to a lawyer. In most cases, legal fees are paid by the government and not the individual victim or suspect. The lawyer will assist you through the entire process.

Under certain circumstances, governmental agencies can order a person to be detained against his or her will and undergo treatment without the person’s consent. Such orders can be issued pursuant to the Act Regarding Care for Minors (LVU), the Act Regarding Care for Substance Abusers (LVM) and the Act Regarding Compulsory Care for Persons With Psychological Disorders (LPT).
Fighting the Social Insurance Board (Swedish, Försäkringskassan) and municipalities to secure the support you are entitled to under various laws can be arduous and stressfull for people with disabilities, their relatives and representatives. We can help, whether you are preparing to apply for support, have appealed a desicion to the administrative court or elsewhere in the process.

Building construction such as renovation and repair are often subject to many uncertain variables that can lead to delays or cost increases. Many projects end in disputes between the construction company and the customer. We have extensive experience assisting contstruction companies and customers with drafting clear and user-friendly contracts that minimize the risk for disputes as well as experience resolving disputes between contractors and customers.

Buying a horse is a dream for many and something you put time, commitment and money into. If the horse turns out to be in worse shape than expected, it often leads to large and unexpected costs but also to an emotionally strained situation for both parties. In addition to help with dispute resolution, we help you with the preparation of contracts and other issues in horse law. With the help of a tailor-made contract, disputes can often be avoided.