Kan man arbeta i Sverige under tiden man är asylsökande

International travelers are usually aware that they can remain in a foreign country for a limited time. If they remain longer than allowed, they have overstayed their lawful presence in the country. That...
What are Non-Compete Agreements? Non-compete agreements, also known as non-competition clauses, are contractual provisions that restrict employees from engaging in competitive activities that may...
Legal protection means that your insurance can cover part of your costs for a lawyer or solicitor. Usually the insurance company will cover around 75-80% of the costs up to a certain limit. The limit...
Legal assistance in Swedish and international commercial law as well as matters effecting individuals such as inheritance, Swedish migration and visas to the USA.
Org nr 559374-3783
Säte Borås, Sweden
Borås: +46 33 – 10 00 06