Navigating Non-Compete Agreements in Swedish Employment Contracts
What are Non-Compete Agreements?
Non-compete agreements, also known as non-competition clauses, are contractual provisions that restrict employees from engaging in competitive activities that may undermine the interests of their current employer. These agreements are commonly included in employment contracts to prevent employees from soliciting clients, using confidential information, or...
Can I get legal expenses cover?
Legal protection means that your insurance can cover part of your costs for a lawyer or solicitor. Usually the insurance company will cover around 75-80% of the costs up to a certain limit. The limit varies but is usually between 75,000 SEK and 300,000 SEK. Any costs above this limit must be paid by yourself.
Legal protection is included in most insurance policies, but the conditions...

Damages and liquidated damages under AB 04
There are two types of financial penalties for breach of contract: damages and liquidated damages.
Most people are probably familiar with the meaning of damages. Damages mean compensation for a harm that someone has caused. Sweden’s Tort Liability Act of 1972 governs compensation for damages arising from personal injury (e.g. broken bones) or property damage (e.g. broken windows)...

How does the US visa interview work?
People applying for a visa to the United States, at least for the first application, usually need to visit the embassy for an interview. Here is a brief description of what to expect at the interview.
To begin with, it is worth noting that the “interview” does not resemble the meeting that one generally associates with the word “interview”. Most people may...

Administrative Processing, Visa USA
What is Administrative Processing?
When applying for a visa to the United States, there are three possible outcomes: visa approval, or denial, or something called “administrative processing.” When the third option is considered, the applicant will receive a letter referencing Section 221(g) of the Act. The status of the current application is stated to be “refused”,...

Swedish Construction Law, Part 2 Changes and Additional Work under AB 04
In General
Part 1 of this series of blogs, I presented an overview of AB 04, the general terms and conditions that often are chosen to regulate commercial construction projects in Sweden. In this blog, I will address how AB 04 regulates changes in the project. Changes in this regard encompass changing the...

Equine Law – Inspection Prior to Purchasing a Horse
As is the case when purchasing most objects, the buyer should inspect the horse prior to purchase to ensure that it corresponds to the buyer’s expectations and is not defective. The purpose of the investigation is to inform the buyer of the condition of the object being purchased. Since horses are not inanimate objects but rather are animals, it is recommended the inspection take place...

Kan finnas risker med att överta säljarens överlåtelsebesiktning
Att köpa hus är för de flesta av oss en stor ekonomisk investering, kanske den största under en livstid. Säljarens och köparens förpliktelser och rättigheter vid ett husköp regleras i jordabalken. Det viktigaste för köparen är undersökningsplikten som kortfattat innebär att köparen ansvarar för att noga undersöka fastigheten och står risken om...

Vinstutdelning m m
Bokslutsarbetet för företag med kalenderår som räkenskapsår börjar närma sig. Förhoppningsvis kommer företaget att visa vinst för 2013. Om det gäller ett aktiebolag och ägarna vill dela ut hel eller del av vinsten, får de tänka på följande. Aktiebolagslagen reglerar hur, hur mycket, och när bolagets tillgångar får delas ut. Dessa regler gäller...

Ett rikt ordförråd är ett oumbärligt verktyg för journalister, författare och andra som yrkesmässigt använder det skrivna ordet i tjänsten. Men ett råd till fackmän inom entreprenadbranschen är att hålla er till de välprövade standardformuleringarna när Ni skriver kontrakt med konsumenter. En dom från Svea hovrätt från tidigare i år (mål T...