Administrative Processing, Visa USA

What is Administrative Processing?
When applying for a visa to the United States, there are three possible outcomes: visa approval, or denial, or something called “administrative processing.” When the third option is considered, the applicant will receive a letter referencing Section 221(g) of the Act. The status of the current application is stated to be “refused”, but it is still not the same as a rejection as a visa can eventually be granted once the administrative processing is complete.
Administrative processing may be due to one or more of the following reasons. The first and simplest reason is that certain documents or information are missing, and the applicant is asked to submit the documents or information as soon as possible. A final decision can then come quite quickly. The second reason may be that the officer (i.e. the counselor officer) needs to consult with a colleague. Here, too, a final decision can come quickly. The third reason could be a “hit”. The applicant’s information (name, biometric information in the passport, etc.) is entered into several databases operated by a number of governmental agencies. If the applicant’s information matches someone in these databases, it pings in the system and the application must be investigated further by the authority whose database triggered the ping. The fourth reason may be that the applicant works with technology that is considered sensitive and that is subject to a ban on technology transfers.
Administrative processing can take several weeks but usually lasts for several months, sometimes more than a year. The embassy or consulate states that the applicant should wait at least 180 days (six months) before contacting them for an update. There is no way to find out what is being investigated. There is no possibility of speeding up the process.
The applicant cannot enter the United States on ESTA while the administrative processing is ongoing. In other words, the applicant is barred from the United States and this ban can last for a long period of time.
More information about administrative processing can be found on the Department of State’s website, which can be accessed via the link below.
Administrative Processing Information (
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